Alex Webb - Color and Light blog
I really like this photo from Alex Webb because of the decision to make it into a black-and-white image. Not only is it a very clear photo of these I believe sunflowers but the way the look it seems they are wilting so with the decision to make this photo without color I feel emphasizes the fact that these flowers are not in the best condition. All 3 seem to be severely lacking in petals and it just may very well be that they are on somewhat of a last stand. The flowers are surviving on very minimal nutrients and are just about to shrivel up and die. The lack of color I feel really adds into portraying this, normally when you see sunflowers they are very yellow and full of petals so much so that you can tell where the sun is or should be as they rotate to maximize their sunlight but the flowers above seem to be getting by with facing solely upward. It feels almost as if they are a person who is barely managing to keep afloat in deep waters, waiting to be rescued almost. This suns...